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JCI Jayakarta berdiri pada tahun 2013 dengan tujuan menjadi wadah pengembangan kepemimpinan bagi para pemimpin muda di Indonesia, khususnya di Jakarta.
Sejak awal berdirinya, JCI Jayakarta telah mencatatkan banyak pencapaian yang menginspirasi, baik di tingkat lokal maupun internasional. Dengan semangat kolaborasi, inovasi, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, JCI Jayakarta terus tumbuh menjadi salah satu chapter terkemuka yang menghasilkan para pemimpin muda yang berdampak di berbagai bidang.
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Each step of this journey reflects the passion and dedication of JCI Jayakarta members in creating positive change


A First Step into the Global Network

In this year, JCI Jayakarta was established as part of the international network of Junior Chamber International (JCI), with the mission to empower youth in Jakarta to contribute positively to society.


Pioneering in Entrepreneurship

JCI Jayakarta successfully held its first major project. Born to Be an Entrepreneur, at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Jakarta, attended by over 100 participants. This event became a platform for young people to develop entrepreneurial skills.


Inspiring the Youth Through Coding

In collaboration with Microsoft, JCI Jayakarta launched the Hour of Code program. This initiative taught coding skills to children, opening opportunities in various fields and inspiring the next generation.


Celebrating Young Achievers

JCI Jayakarta hosted the prestigious TOYP JCI Indonesia (Ten Outstanding Young Persons) event, honoring exceptional young individuals in various fields and inspiring the next generation.


Building International Networks

JCI Jayakarta signed a Sister Chapter Agreement with JCI Tsuen Wan in Hong Kong, strengthening international collaboration and expanding networks to create a greater impact.


Hosting JCI Asia Pacific Conference (ASPAC)

JCI Jayakarta berhasil menjadi tuan rumah JCI Asia Pacific Conference (ASPAC) di Jakarta, acara internasional yang mempertemukan pemuda dan anggota JCI dari berbagai negara untuk berbagi pengalaman dan ide-ide inspiratif.


Celebrating 10 Years of JCI Jayakarta

JCI Jayakarta celebrates its 10th anniversary, marking an extraordinary decade of empowering
youth, expanding global networks, and delivering positive impacts to the community. A significant milestone in a long journey filled with inspiration.


If you are ready to take an active role in creating a positive
impact, we invite you to join us.

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JCI Jayakarta is a local chapter of Junior Chamber International (JCI) based in Jakarta. We are a youth-driven community commited to developing leadership, building networks, and creating a positive impact in society. Here, you can enhance your skills, collaborate with fellow young leaders, and contribute to making real, meaningful change.

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